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I was doing some research the other day on future occupations that I could get in to, being that I am out of the military in two months. So I came up with a list of things that I thought I was "good" at.

Near the top of the list was Rock, Paper, Scissors. I figured that with my uncanny ability to play this game that I might be able to take it somewhere beyond myself and Nicole's little bouts.

So I decided to dig a little deeper...

It turns out there is a whole world movement. Check out the


There is even an online trainer.

Here are some pictures from past world championships.

Pretty incredible stuff.

Just in case you guys were worried I am not actually looking at doing this for a carreer. I was actually looking through my "pictures of the week" on yahoo and came across somebody playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, and then found out that actually have real championships.

Anyway, I hope that all of you had an incredible Thanksgiving.



Hey, I think you should do it just so you can wear a cool, colorful outfit like the guys in the pictures. Who knows? You could very possibly make it to the top, but I would think of a back up plan because if you never made it to the championship, how the heck are you going to support those 10 hungry boys that you're going to have one day? Not to mention a wife that's going to want a nice car, and your shopping addictions. Just saying, you should really think this over thoroughly before you make a decision. Then again, those shirts are pretty stinkin amazing.

(By the way, you and Nicole aren't the only ones with mad RPS skills. I've been known to hammer down some pretty heavy duty players back in my day. I wasn't going to say anything, usually I sit back quietly while you two battle it out, but I'm tired of keeping my gift in the dark. So there, it's out.)

Hey Ben, what about joining up with those hamburger/hotdog eating champs? You could make big bucks! And I bet you'd totally outdo them!!

Ben, if you ever make it to the championships, let me know. I'd make a trip all the way from northern California to see it! Haha. I think you'd actually have a great chance at it!

From the pictures shown, it looks like it would be more fun to be a referee than an actual contestant. You would get to act all tough and serious, wear an awesome outfit, and you might even get a whistle!!I'm just sayin', you might want to pray about it, Ben...

um...are you skipping the month of December or have you given up on blogging all together? Why the lack of posts, friend?

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