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GZS RKS.....

Despite the popular theory that my license plate is talking about old people (Geezers) it really was intended to be Jesus Rocks. I put this "saying" on my car simply because it is true. Through my lifetime of experiences I have tried to acknowledge Jesus in most situations with the simple words - Jesus Rocks! I think that one of the most popular times that this happens is when I am parking. Before entering a parking lot I always pray for a good spot - usually I get to pull in and park right away, which I love, and I always say "Dude, Jesus Rocks" or at least something to that affect.
This year has been incredible - it seems to me that every year seems to get better and better - God continues to show Himself to be faithful, living and working in my life. I don't know why it continues to amaze me, I've lived in and around the church all of my life and have seen God work lots. I guess that it's just awesome when God works specifically in your life and not just in the "other guy".
Despite being the ripe old age of 25 I am still finding that there are a few things to learn in life and with God. The big one this year has just been listening to God and His word, taking it for face value and then living it out in faith. Sounds simple and it sounds like what the basic everyday life of a Christian should be - well, simply put, it is. I don't know if it's my type A personality or if it is just who I am but I like to look at a particular situation, break down every angle, look at "reality", make sure that I am fully prepared and sure that I will be successful - and then step forward. Is it lack of faith or lack of adventure? I don't think so, I just like to be in control and on top of every situation before I do anything.
Well, God has been testing that particular area in my life a lot. I have been praying a lot of the last year or two about moving up and becoming a worship leader. I've known for a while now that it is what I am called to do, I just didn't know how it was going to happen. I was hoping that I could gradually move in, get comfortable and when the time was right start leading. That's pretty funny looking back over the last couple of months. I got a word back in February of this year the really spoke to me about worship and what I would be doing (Numbers 8:14-16, 24) basically it talks about the Levites being separated for God because they were wholly given to Him, and in verse 24 it talks about the Levites from the age of 25 to 50 would serve in the church. I thought it was pretty cool (my 25th birthday was in March) but I left it at that, I didn't actually think that I would be leading worship for a couple of years. So now (only a couple of months later) to make a long story short I, with the help of Brittne and Donna, lead worship for Generation Church. And to top it off I will start leading worship this week on Sundays a couple of times a month. At first I have to admit that I was a little freaked out, but now I am so excited about what God is doing in worship and through or worship team, and I can't wait to see what else is going to happen.
I'll wrap up this blog with this, Proverbs 14:12 - there is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death.
God's way is so much better, all we have to do is learn to listen to Him and then surrender our own will. I'm learning to give all of my worship and ministry desires to God and in turn He is bringing me into the desires of my heart in a way that I never could have planned. All I can say is "Jesus Rocks".
Anyway, that's it for now - I'll try not to make this blogging thing a once a month occurrence.


Awesome. I'd definitely like some of that parking space anointing to fall on me. Those words are powerful. It's cool to hear your heart. And I agree..Jesus Rocks.

Ha ha! We should start a parking annointing club! You, me and I forget who else has it, but I think it may be one of the sweetest annointings ever!

Well dump some of the parking spot anointing on me! I seem to be missing some from my jar. Maybe it's all that road rage.....

Great post, Ben. I'm proud of -- and excited for -- you. You will do a fantastic job leading worship; you've always had it in you.



This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

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