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A little faith building....

I was just listening to a message from GC in Seattle. Pastor Wendell spoke - they had a combined service with GCers and adults ( I tried putting a link to the message, but it is not on the website for GC or The City Church, you can get it on ITUNES GC podcast - 9/19/06 "Combined Service"). For me, at least, it was a great message. Pastor Wendell spent a good portion of the service just naming some of the names of God. By the end of the message I definitely felt like my faith had been built up. He made a statement in the beginning, in reference to how God can solve our problems, saying that "You don't need to know, you just need to know who He is". So I decided to try and write at least some of the names of God from Pastor Wendell's message down here on my blog. Take a look, think about it for a while, read it over a couple times, read it outloud - and see what God does. If you can come up with anything else go ahead and throw it up in the comments.

Here we go:

- God
- Mighty God
- The God that will never leave you nor forsake you
- The God that will be with you until the end of the ages
- Emmanuel - God with us
- The God whose arm is not to short to save
- The God who sees
- The Miracle Guy
- My Captain
- My Pointman
- The Master of the universe
- Everything we need
- Jehovah
- Jehovah Gemola - The God of recompense
- Jehovah Jireh - The Lord who will provide
- Jehovah Meccaddeshcem - The Lord my sanctifier
- Jehovah Macca - The Lord who strikes my enemies
- Jehovah Nissi - The Lord our banner
- Jehovah Raffa - The Lord our healer
- Jehovah Ro'i - The Lord my Shepherd
- Jehovah Sabbaoth - The Lord of hosts
- Jehovah Shalom - The Lord of peace
- Jehovah Shama - The Lord who is present
- Jehovah Tsidkenu - The Lord our righteousness
- Elohim
- El Elohim Israel - God, the God of Israel
- El Elyon - Most High God
- El Olam - The Everlasting God
- El Roy - The One who sees
- El Shaddai - God Almighty
- All Sufficient One
- Jesus
- I Am
- Before Abraham was, I AM
- The Bread of Life
- The Light of the World
- The Door
- The Good Shepherd
- The Son of God
- The Resurrection and The Life
- The Way, The Truth, and The Life
- The Vine
- I Am who I Am
- The Living God
- Everything that I need
- God the strength of my heart and my portion
- God most High
- God my rock
- God my Savior
- The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
- The God of all Comfort
- The God of all flesh
- The God of glory
- The God of heaven
- The God of hope
- The God of Israel
- The God of justice
- The God of mercy
- The God of my life
- The God of my praise
- The God of my righteousness
- God of our fathers
- The God of patience
- The God of peace
- The God of the living
- The God of the whole earth
- The God of truth
- The Bishop and Overseer of our souls
- Our Savior the judge of all
- The God who alone is wise
- The God who cannot lie
- The God who does wonders
- God who gives life to all things
- God who gives the increase
- God who gives us the victory
- God who hides himself
- The God who performs all things for me
- He is the AMEN
- The God who sees
- The God who forgives
- The God of all grace
- The God who is with us
- My Catcher
- The lifter up of my head
- The one who takes me out of the miry clay and sets my feet upon the rock
- My deliverer
- My redeemer
- My rescuer
- He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit
- He who built all things
- He who called you
- He who comes from heaven
- He who comes in the Name of the Lord
- He who did not spare His own Son
- He who gives strength and power to His people
- He who has the keys of hell and death
- He who inhabits eternity
- He who is coming
- He who is mighty
- He who lives and was dead and behold He is alive for evermore
- He who sanctifies
- He who searches the hearts
- He who sits above the circle of the earth
- He who walks amidst the seven golden candlesticks
- He is the way of escape
- The God whose hand is not to short to save
- He is who you need Him to be
- He is the I Am
- He is El Shaddai
- He is the All Sufficient One
- He is the Abba Father
- He is Papa
- He is Daddy when you need Him
- He is Adonai
- He is the Advocate
- He is the Almighty
- He is the Alpha and the Omega
- He is the Amen
- He is the Ancient of Days
- He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith
- He is the Balm of Gilead
- He is the beginning and the End
- He is the Bishop of my soul
- He is the Bright Morning Star
- He is the Captain of our salvation
- He is the Chief Cornerstone
- He is My Comforter
- He is the Commander of the Lord's Hosts
- He is the Creator of the ends of the earth
- He is the Daystar
- He is the Dayspring from on High
- He is the Defender of widows
- He is the Deliverer
- He is the Desire of ALL nations
- He is the Everlasting Father
- He is the Father of mercies
- He is the Father of the fatherless
- He is the Finisher of our faith
- He is the First and the Last
- He is the Firstborn among many brethren
- He is the Forerunner
- He is the Fountain of living waters
- He is the Friend of sinners
- He is the Good Shepherd
- He is the God who knows all things
- He is the Governor
- He is the Great king above all gods
- He is the Great King over all the earth
- He is the Great Shepherd
- He is the Habitation of justice
- He is the Head of the Church
- He is the Heavenly Father
- He is the Heir of all things
- He is My Helper
- He is My High Priest
- He is the Holy One of Israel
- He is the Hope of Israel
- He is the Holy Spirit
- He is the Horn of my salvation
- He is the Judge of the earth
- He is the Just One
- He is the Keeper
- He is the King of all the earth
- He is the King of glory
- He is the King of kings
- He is the Lamb of God
- He is the Life giving spirit
- He is the light of the world
- He is the Lily of the valley
- He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah
- He is the Lord of lords
- He is the Lord of the harvest
- He is the Lord of the Sabbath
- He is the Lord of the whole earth
- He is the Lord on high
- He is the Lord our God
- He is the Lord our Maker
- He is the Lord who created you
- He is the Lord who dwells between the Cherubim
- He is the Lord who has mercy on you
- He is the Lord who is faithful
- He is the Lord who made heaven and earth
- He is the Lord who makes a way in the sea
- He is the Lord who makes all things
- He is the Lord who sanctifies
- He is the Lord of war
- He is My Master
- He is My Mediator
- He is My Messiah
- He is the Mighty Awesome One
- He is the Mighty God
- He is the Most High over all the earth
- He is My Defense
- He is My Deliverer
- He is My Fortress
- He is My Glory
- He is the Lifter of my head
- He is My God of mercy
- He is My Hiding place
- He is My Light
- He is My Salvation
- He is My Portion forever
- He is My Redeemer
- He is My Refuge
- He is My Shield
- He is My Strength
- He is My Stronghold
- He is My Trust
- He is My Well beloved
- He is the Potter
- He is the Prince of Peace
- He is the Promise of the Father
- He is the Purifier
- He is the Reaper
- He is the Redeemer
- He is the Rewarder
- He is the Righteous Judge
- He is the Rock of my strength
- He is the Root and offspring of David
- He is the Rose of Sharon
- He is the Savior in time of trouble
- He is the Savior of the world
- He is the Scepter
- He is the Seed of Abraham
- He is the Shade at your right hand
- He is the Shepherd of Israel
- He is the Son of Abraham
- He is the Son of David
- He is the Son of God
- He is the Son of Man
- He is the Son of the Father
- He is the Son of the Highest
- He is the Spirit of revelation
- He is the Spirit of the Living God
- He is the Spirit of truth
- He is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding
- He is the Stone which the builders rejected
- He is the Strength of my heart
- He is My Sun and Shield
- He is My Sure Foundation
- He is the True God
- He is the True Life
- He is the True Vine
- He is the Very present help in time of trouble

"Come on somebody" if that doesn't stir you up I don't know what will - and that's just a start. See what else you can find. Forgive me if some of the names are misspelled - I am at work and without the assistance of any study materials.

- Ben

Whoa. That was AWESOME, Ben!

Wow! that's an incredible list!!

My favorite was "The Miracle Guy!" That's awesome.

i'm going to print out this list.

I just listened this sermon online and it was SO good. They actually have notes you can print out on the website that lists all the names of God mentioned in his sermon.

HA HA! Thanks for not putting up the other pic;)

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