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I just got a new all-in-one printer from Dell - and I'm really excited. I've got boxes full of pictures, mostly from my many exploits in the Navy. Anyway, I just wanted to test it out and make sure I could post everything on the blog. So here are a few random pictures.

Sweet it worked... Alright this top picture is my elephant guide when I was in Phang Na, Thailand

This is a picture from my ship (USS Decatur) during an Underway Replenishment (UNREP). This is how we get fuel and stuff out at sea - it's a pretty crazy thing.

This is the Grand Mosk in Bahrain, you can't really tell from the picture but this place is HUGE.

Well, that's it for now. I have a lot of scanning to do. I'm going to try to throw up some posts based on some of the places that I went to. We'll so how that goes.


That picture on the water is incredible! It doesn't even look like it could be real! It will be cool to see pictures from all the crazy places you've been, Ben, so keep those pictures coming! Note to self: if I ever ride an elephant, I should bring shoes and a cool stick for the elephant guide.

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