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Camp(s)..... Probably the best two weeks out of the year.

Camp is over, at least for this year, and it has been, without a doubt, the best set of camps that I have ever been to. I'll start with Kidz Camp highlights:

26 Salvations
the Wild Animal Park
Incredible worship (Nic Schneider rocks)
85 amazing kids

Having grown up in the more traditional VBS (vacation bible school) route, I will just simply state that I never experienced a kids camp of this magnitude. I have pictures that I still need to get developed - I'll try and get them posted soon.

GC CAMP!!!!!!

GC Camp this year was amazing, I would say hands down it was the most incredible and life impacting camp that I have ever been to. If by chance you missed it this year - make it a priority to go next year, it is only going to get better.

As I have stated in the previous blog, this has been a fairly intense year - especially in the arena of worship leading. GC Camp was the focal point of that "intensity". Basically the last 2 or 3 months has been focused on getting ready for camp, learning new songs and learning how to play and flow together despite all of the changes that have taken place on the worship team in GC. Well, the team made it to camp, and all I can say was that it was amazing. I personally felt that it was a huge releasing point for the worship team as a whole and for myself as a worship leader. God moved so powerfully over the four days of camp through the worship, the word and all of the alter times. Wednesday Night after the last alter time up at the camp was over (like 1 in the morning, so I guess technically it was Thursday morning) I just sat in the alter area in complete awe of God and everything that He had done over the last few days. I know it's not some crazy revelation that nobody knows, but God is stinkin faithful and everything the word says about Him is true and He can use anybody, anywhere as long as they humble themselves - more or less step out of the way - and let God go to town. When you have an entire worship team or, even better yet, an entire church that is willing to do that it's just amazing what God can and will do.

Just in the last couple of days I was listening to a message from Pastor Judah Smith and he was talking about Christianity being a colt (baby boy donkey, not weird religious group). One of the parts that really stuck out to me was about our focus as Christians - or at least what it should be. We want to see our city (school, workplace, etc) moved and the only way that is going to happen is if we, Joe Christian, take up the burden for our "sphere of influence" and begin to work out the calling that God has put on our lives - God's not just going to do it Himself.

I don't know about all of you but I am ready to do what it takes to see this city moved. I'm ready to see the 30,000 teens coming into GC - down at PETCO park - on their faces in worship telling God they are willing to do whatever it takes to live out the calling that God has put on their lives.

For me, one of the most exciting things about worship at camp was just seeing the release in everyone on the team. It has been prophesied time and time again that a sound would come out of our church and out of San Diego. And I honestly, with every fiber of me being, believe that it is happening NOW. As the church continues to worship God in unity and as the team continues to learn how to play with the excellence and full capabilities that God has given us while completely surrendering all of that - I think that there is no stopping what God can do through us.

I just want to close out this blog by giving a little shout out to the GC worship team. Donna, Brittne, Katie, Chad, Nic, Jeremy and Jimmy - you are all incredible, it has been awesome worshipping with you. Thank you for being willing to surrender to God and truly worship in spirit and in truth.

Jesus Rocks,


WOW ... your blog got a makeover!

Ben, you are an incredible example of 1 Peter 5 ... a man who has been consistenly submissive and humble ... and now that it's "due time" you are being exalted by God.

Perhaps your blog is a picture of your own life --- it seems as though you have gotten your own (spiritual) makeover this year

PS: Camp worship was off the charts!!

I agree with Jenny - you are getting so hooked up with the desires of your heart. It's so cool to see and so encouraging.
You go!

yeeeeeeeeah ben! gc camp worship was amazing! i can't wait for cd's to come out. i like your new page.

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