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I have made the first step of creating my blog. As far as updating it goes, we'll all have to wait and see how that goes. I'm still trying to figure out how all this works, so give me a little bit of time to get everything up and running correctly.

Catch you all later,


Time keeps ticking away---tick tick ticking away.......

All I can say is, "Sweet!". Welcome to the Blogosphere, Ben; glad to have you in Cyberspace. Stop by The Treasure Fine anytime and say "hello".

hey man...
it's been ages..how r u??


Will we actually get to read posts from the inner workings of Ben's mind? This is exciting!

okay ... start writing

What's this? Jimmy beat you to a second blog! Are you just trying to collect the most comments? We need to hear from Boaz. I hear he has much wisdom to share!

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

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