Friday, November 24, 2006

I was doing some research the other day on future occupations that I could get in to, being that I am out of the military in two months. So I came up with a list of things that I thought I was "good" at.

Near the top of the list was Rock, Paper, Scissors. I figured that with my uncanny ability to play this game that I might be able to take it somewhere beyond myself and Nicole's little bouts.

So I decided to dig a little deeper...

It turns out there is a whole world movement. Check out the


There is even an online trainer.

Here are some pictures from past world championships.

Pretty incredible stuff.

Just in case you guys were worried I am not actually looking at doing this for a carreer. I was actually looking through my "pictures of the week" on yahoo and came across somebody playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, and then found out that actually have real championships.

Anyway, I hope that all of you had an incredible Thanksgiving.

