Tuesday, October 31, 2006

In honor of Simon and Jenny's post with his picture, here is some dogs dressed up for Halloween. I have a few more but I was having trouble getting them loaded on to the blog.

Here's my kind of dog.

If Nicole had a dog.....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A little faith building....

I was just listening to a message from GC in Seattle. Pastor Wendell spoke - they had a combined service with GCers and adults ( I tried putting a link to the message, but it is not on the website for GC or The City Church, you can get it on ITUNES GC podcast - 9/19/06 "Combined Service"). For me, at least, it was a great message. Pastor Wendell spent a good portion of the service just naming some of the names of God. By the end of the message I definitely felt like my faith had been built up. He made a statement in the beginning, in reference to how God can solve our problems, saying that "You don't need to know, you just need to know who He is". So I decided to try and write at least some of the names of God from Pastor Wendell's message down here on my blog. Take a look, think about it for a while, read it over a couple times, read it outloud - and see what God does. If you can come up with anything else go ahead and throw it up in the comments.

Here we go:

- God
- Mighty God
- The God that will never leave you nor forsake you
- The God that will be with you until the end of the ages
- Emmanuel - God with us
- The God whose arm is not to short to save
- The God who sees
- The Miracle Guy
- My Captain
- My Pointman
- The Master of the universe
- Everything we need
- Jehovah
- Jehovah Gemola - The God of recompense
- Jehovah Jireh - The Lord who will provide
- Jehovah Meccaddeshcem - The Lord my sanctifier
- Jehovah Macca - The Lord who strikes my enemies
- Jehovah Nissi - The Lord our banner
- Jehovah Raffa - The Lord our healer
- Jehovah Ro'i - The Lord my Shepherd
- Jehovah Sabbaoth - The Lord of hosts
- Jehovah Shalom - The Lord of peace
- Jehovah Shama - The Lord who is present
- Jehovah Tsidkenu - The Lord our righteousness
- Elohim
- El Elohim Israel - God, the God of Israel
- El Elyon - Most High God
- El Olam - The Everlasting God
- El Roy - The One who sees
- El Shaddai - God Almighty
- All Sufficient One
- Jesus
- I Am
- Before Abraham was, I AM
- The Bread of Life
- The Light of the World
- The Door
- The Good Shepherd
- The Son of God
- The Resurrection and The Life
- The Way, The Truth, and The Life
- The Vine
- I Am who I Am
- The Living God
- Everything that I need
- God the strength of my heart and my portion
- God most High
- God my rock
- God my Savior
- The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
- The God of all Comfort
- The God of all flesh
- The God of glory
- The God of heaven
- The God of hope
- The God of Israel
- The God of justice
- The God of mercy
- The God of my life
- The God of my praise
- The God of my righteousness
- God of our fathers
- The God of patience
- The God of peace
- The God of the living
- The God of the whole earth
- The God of truth
- The Bishop and Overseer of our souls
- Our Savior the judge of all
- The God who alone is wise
- The God who cannot lie
- The God who does wonders
- God who gives life to all things
- God who gives the increase
- God who gives us the victory
- God who hides himself
- The God who performs all things for me
- He is the AMEN
- The God who sees
- The God who forgives
- The God of all grace
- The God who is with us
- My Catcher
- The lifter up of my head
- The one who takes me out of the miry clay and sets my feet upon the rock
- My deliverer
- My redeemer
- My rescuer
- He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit
- He who built all things
- He who called you
- He who comes from heaven
- He who comes in the Name of the Lord
- He who did not spare His own Son
- He who gives strength and power to His people
- He who has the keys of hell and death
- He who inhabits eternity
- He who is coming
- He who is mighty
- He who lives and was dead and behold He is alive for evermore
- He who sanctifies
- He who searches the hearts
- He who sits above the circle of the earth
- He who walks amidst the seven golden candlesticks
- He is the way of escape
- The God whose hand is not to short to save
- He is who you need Him to be
- He is the I Am
- He is El Shaddai
- He is the All Sufficient One
- He is the Abba Father
- He is Papa
- He is Daddy when you need Him
- He is Adonai
- He is the Advocate
- He is the Almighty
- He is the Alpha and the Omega
- He is the Amen
- He is the Ancient of Days
- He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith
- He is the Balm of Gilead
- He is the beginning and the End
- He is the Bishop of my soul
- He is the Bright Morning Star
- He is the Captain of our salvation
- He is the Chief Cornerstone
- He is My Comforter
- He is the Commander of the Lord's Hosts
- He is the Creator of the ends of the earth
- He is the Daystar
- He is the Dayspring from on High
- He is the Defender of widows
- He is the Deliverer
- He is the Desire of ALL nations
- He is the Everlasting Father
- He is the Father of mercies
- He is the Father of the fatherless
- He is the Finisher of our faith
- He is the First and the Last
- He is the Firstborn among many brethren
- He is the Forerunner
- He is the Fountain of living waters
- He is the Friend of sinners
- He is the Good Shepherd
- He is the God who knows all things
- He is the Governor
- He is the Great king above all gods
- He is the Great King over all the earth
- He is the Great Shepherd
- He is the Habitation of justice
- He is the Head of the Church
- He is the Heavenly Father
- He is the Heir of all things
- He is My Helper
- He is My High Priest
- He is the Holy One of Israel
- He is the Hope of Israel
- He is the Holy Spirit
- He is the Horn of my salvation
- He is the Judge of the earth
- He is the Just One
- He is the Keeper
- He is the King of all the earth
- He is the King of glory
- He is the King of kings
- He is the Lamb of God
- He is the Life giving spirit
- He is the light of the world
- He is the Lily of the valley
- He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah
- He is the Lord of lords
- He is the Lord of the harvest
- He is the Lord of the Sabbath
- He is the Lord of the whole earth
- He is the Lord on high
- He is the Lord our God
- He is the Lord our Maker
- He is the Lord who created you
- He is the Lord who dwells between the Cherubim
- He is the Lord who has mercy on you
- He is the Lord who is faithful
- He is the Lord who made heaven and earth
- He is the Lord who makes a way in the sea
- He is the Lord who makes all things
- He is the Lord who sanctifies
- He is the Lord of war
- He is My Master
- He is My Mediator
- He is My Messiah
- He is the Mighty Awesome One
- He is the Mighty God
- He is the Most High over all the earth
- He is My Defense
- He is My Deliverer
- He is My Fortress
- He is My Glory
- He is the Lifter of my head
- He is My God of mercy
- He is My Hiding place
- He is My Light
- He is My Salvation
- He is My Portion forever
- He is My Redeemer
- He is My Refuge
- He is My Shield
- He is My Strength
- He is My Stronghold
- He is My Trust
- He is My Well beloved
- He is the Potter
- He is the Prince of Peace
- He is the Promise of the Father
- He is the Purifier
- He is the Reaper
- He is the Redeemer
- He is the Rewarder
- He is the Righteous Judge
- He is the Rock of my strength
- He is the Root and offspring of David
- He is the Rose of Sharon
- He is the Savior in time of trouble
- He is the Savior of the world
- He is the Scepter
- He is the Seed of Abraham
- He is the Shade at your right hand
- He is the Shepherd of Israel
- He is the Son of Abraham
- He is the Son of David
- He is the Son of God
- He is the Son of Man
- He is the Son of the Father
- He is the Son of the Highest
- He is the Spirit of revelation
- He is the Spirit of the Living God
- He is the Spirit of truth
- He is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding
- He is the Stone which the builders rejected
- He is the Strength of my heart
- He is My Sun and Shield
- He is My Sure Foundation
- He is the True God
- He is the True Life
- He is the True Vine
- He is the Very present help in time of trouble

"Come on somebody" if that doesn't stir you up I don't know what will - and that's just a start. See what else you can find. Forgive me if some of the names are misspelled - I am at work and without the assistance of any study materials.

- Ben